• Deep Wreck Diving

Deep Wreck Diving

dwd - deep wreck diving was founded on October 1, 2005 by Helmuth Biechl. Based on more than 40 years of diving experience and over 35 years of training under the guidelines of the training agencies ANDI, CMAS, SSI, PADI

Detailed information

Deep Wreck Diving was founded on October 1, 2005 by Helmuth Biechl. Based on more than 40 years of diving experience and over 35 years of training under the guidelines of the ANDI, PSAI, CMAS, SSI and PADI associations, this new venture should create something very special in the diving sector. The aim was to create a combination of diving school for technical diving, expedition or exploration diving for deep wrecks and deep wall diving in the local waters. These three aspects characterize the nature of Deep Wreck Diving training facility.

Diving training is given priority by ANDI (American Nitrox Divers International), one of the oldest and most prestigious international technical diving associations. Although the focus of dive training is in the field of technical diving, but also to a limited extent sports diving training is operated, primarily for those diver candidates who show more ambitious goals and are interested in undergoing a very intensive dive training. 

In technical diving, the objective of dwdto take a leading market position in the rebreather sector. We train Inspiration, Evolution, Megalodon, Pathfinder, COPIS and Classic KISS on the rebreathers and have made it our mission to review and track all new developments in this sector for their applicability and implementation. Thus, dwd is a competent partner in almost all areas of technical diving. Almost any training can be offered up to the instructor level. The financial independence of dwd makes it easier for us to carry out intensive training at the highest level and to avoid price dumping combined with time-compressed training.

The expedition and exploration diving with the primary aim of diving deep and partly unexplored wrecks in all parts of the world is usually carried out in international teams.All participants have a lot of experience in Deep Wreck Diving. 

Basically, we are not a "closed society", but only those divers are invited to the Deep Wreck expeditions, which have for a long time their diving skills and the necessary team skills can be seen. Thus, it is quite possible - with the appropriate attitude and skills - to participate in one or the other project.

As far as the philosophy, for example of equipment configurations, we do not follow any single "religion". Individual configurations, if realized on a reasonable scale, are therefore the rule rather than the exception in our teams. Everyone should be familiar with the different variants - with their specific advantages and disadvantages - but then express their own style which, for him personally, seems to be optimal considering his individual safety philosophy. We also implement this maxim in diving education. We are firmly convinced that there are usually always several alternative solutions.

Finally, it should be emphasized that equitable, friendly and tolerant co-existence is the foundation of the variable teams and that we strive to convey this code of conduct in our diving courses as well.


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